Unit 2, 408 The Esplanade, Island Bay, Wellington 021 519920 kiaora@kiwiecycle.com We are open any day by appointment 8am to 7pm. Give us a call.

Good to Know

Here are a few good things to note.

AA is on board!

AA Road service will help get you and your bike home if you run into trouble on the road. It'/s true. Give them a call to find out more.

Call 0800 500 222 or *222 for help on the road.

How AA can help

Benefits of eBikes

What's not to love?

Looking at running costs

Electric Bikes and eBikes

Car running costs


What support do we offer after you buy our bikes? As much as we possibly can. 

We are always here to help. If anything happens - ring us JoElle 021 51 9920 or Pete 027 224 2840.

If you are in Wellington or nearby of course you can come to us or we can come to you. We have a van so we can pick up and deliver.

In many cases we can help you over the phone. If you are not local we can assess the situation and put you in touch with someone we know in your area who can help further.

We can service your eBike and help you find an accessory you want.

We work closely with existing bike shops. If you are too far for us to service your eBike we will recommend a shop near you for after-market sales and servicing or you can ring us. 

We have some parts on hand and can courier them out right away, but most components are available at your local bike shop. We can tell you exactly what to ask for.

For electrical parts like batteries or motors we have backups here. For those beyond the Wellington region, we can work with a mechanic near you to get everything sorted.

Our bikes have a full 18-month warranty and in the case of any major issues we will replace the parts without a fuss in the case of manufacture defect, not so much for user neglect.

Below are links to some issues that occurred and how we dealt with them.


All bikes need servicing. The recommendation is that after 3 months of regular riding it’s good to have your bike checked. Gear and/or brake cables may need adjusting, wheels may need truing (make sure the spoke tensions are good), chains should be lubricated, and a bolt check is important as the little buggers can work loose with riding.

It’s also important to make sure that you are safe. This includes making sure your lights work correctly and that you are in fact easily visible on the road and have good protective gear.

Servicing beyond 3 months could include regular chain and cable lubrication, greasing the hub and headset and upgrading your firmware (computer software) when available.


Think Outside the Gear box.

There are so many great manufacturers who have designed gear to combat the elements that NZ throws at us. Farmers, hunters, motorcyclists, trampers and sailors come to mind. How do they keep themselves warm and dry?  Broaden your shopping searches to other activities that deal with the same conditions you do on your eBike.

Rainy Days. Having the gear that means you arrive at your destination, not as a drowned rat, but in style. You can ride your bike even in inclement weather.

Swazi has some awesome outdoor gear, as do Hunter's ElementStoney Creek, are wonderful NZ brands that produces quality gear.

What about sailors? They have to keep everything dry. Dry bags are perfect for this. Put one in your backpack or panniers and keep your gear safe from the rain.

Keeping Warm. How do those crazy motorcyclists ride every day? They have heated gloves, heated socks, and even heated vests. Visit Boyles Kawasaki at the Basin Reserve, Wellington, or TSS in Lower Hutt, or a motorcycle shop near you to investigate the awesome gears available to keep warm while riding. 

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